Board of Ministry
The New England District Board of Ministry oversees the credentialing process for district licensed ministers, ordination candidates, and all those ordained who serve on or report to the district.
For questions concerning licensing and credentialing, contact our chairperson, Rev. Dr. John Megyesi.
For questions concerning education, classes, and studies, contact Rev. Dr. John Nielson (Education Director) or Rev. Dr. Kazimiera Fraley (Records Secretary)
For questions concerning Candidate Assessment (required for first-time NE district license applicants), contact our Ministerial Assessment & Preparation (MAP) Director, Rev. Tom Quattrociocchi.
Not sure who to ask? Check with our District Secretary: Rev. Gerry Whetstone
As you begin, use the Overview of Candidate Process and Responsibilities. This is a general overview of the credentialing process, useful to candidates, pastors, and partners.
Ministry Preparation Handbook
For more information, the Ministry Preparation Handbook is an updated and comprehensive guide to the process of ministry preparation on our district.
New Ministry Candidates:
Registration of My Call to Ministry – after reading the Ministerial Preparation Handbook (see above), if you sense a call from God to ministry, begin your first steps in the ministerial preparation process by completing this registration.
Application for a Local License – next, complete this application and submit it to your local church pastor to request an interview from your local church board.
Local License Interview Guidelines - because we want all candidates to be prepared in advance, here is a copy of the guidelines local church boards are given to assist in your interview.
District & Denominational Candidate Credential Check – upon completion of a successful local license interview (for all first-time candidates on the New England District regardless of their current credential), local church pastors are required to submit the following document to the District Secretary.
Local License District Notification – We also ask all local church pastors to submit this notification to register local licenses with the District Office each year to help us also create and maintain records for each candidate.
Local Church Pastors:
Once a candidate has met the following prerequisites for consideration for a District License, (DL) each local church pastor must register that candidate for participation in our Ministerial Assessment & Preparation (MAP) Weekend.
District License Prerequisites:
(For full details see “B. The Licensed Minister,” Manual, pp. 197-201)
A local license must be held for one year prior to receiving a District License (this year is calculated from the upcoming District Assembly).
Completion of one-fourth (6 courses) of the prescribed Course of Study (COS), including History and Polity of the Church of the Nazarene.
A candidate for District License must attend the Assessment/MAP Weekend.
The candidate must be recommended by the Local Church Board to the District Assembly (this form [English: Online Form/ Español: PDF] is to be sent to the NED District Secretary annually until the candidate is ordained).
2024 Ministerial Assessment & Preparation (MAP) Weekend Handbook
District License Candidates will be contacted by the Board of Ministry (BOM) Chair following the successful completion of the MAP Weekend. Likewise, Renewal District License Candidates will be contacted annually by their assigned Regional BOM Chairs, ultimately being contacted by the BOM Chair when the candidate is invited to make application for ordination.
The various chairs will share pertinent documents and applications that need to be completed as well as deadlines each year, however, for local church pastors assisting candidates themselves, the following application will be a necessary component annually for all district license candidates (including during the year a candidate is eligible for consideration by the assembly for ordination):
District Minister’s License Application (English online application or English PDF// Español PDF or Español aplicaciones en linea) – for first-time district license candidates, renewal candidates, and ordination candidates
A further component of the continuation of licensing will include a specific time of service alongside the completion of the COS. To assist us in maintaining records for this, local church pastors and candidates are requested to submit a Praxis (Practical Experience) Report annually. We also ask local church pastors to keep the BOM updated as necessary with the latest copy of the candidate’s ministry profile, internship contract, or pastoral job description (please send directly to our BOM Chair):
Praxis Report Form for DL Minister – for all candidates’ use when self-reporting to the district (a copy of this form is available for local church pastors by request)
Praxis Report Form for DL’s Pastor – for local church pastors’ use when reporting on a ministerial candidate in their local church
Kingdom blessings on the discovery of God’s call among all in Christ’s Church!
For More Information…
Sourcebook on Ordination (USA Edition)
For BOM Use: